15 Jul 3 Moderate Walks around Melrose Cottage
Princetown Circular Walk
A 12 mile loop, starting and finishing from the car park of the Plume of Feathers in Princetown, the highest village on Dartmoor. This route is renowned for its beautiful wildflowers, and takes in views of the notorious Dartmoor Prison, the Dartmoor Prison Museum is well worth a detour. Whilst you’re in Princetown, do visit our friends at Dewerstone, who serve excellent coffee and sell stylish, ethical clothing.
Yes Tor and High Willhays Walk
A 9 mile circular walk, to Yes Tor and High Willhays, the two highest points on Dartmoor. Starting from Meldon Dam, which can be reached on foot from Melrose Cottage. Take a packed lunch and enjoy it at Black Tor, with impressive views of the West Okement River.
Meldon Quarry Circuit
A 6.5 mile circular route starting at the Okehampton YHA/Adventure Okehampton, just at the end of the road from Melrose Cottage. There is a steep climb from Okehampton, going past Okehampton Army Camp. You will be glad to have done it though, when you take in views of Yes Tor and High Willhays, the two highest points on Dartmoor. This walk also has beautiful riverside views of the West Okement River as well as sections of forest. As the name of the walk suggests, there are also views of Meldon Quarry and you will pass underneath the iconic Meldon Viaduct before descending into Okehampton via the East Okement River.